Microgrids and changing power systems
        While there are still a handful of microgrid projects using clean energy, there are signs that regulators, equipment suppliers and power companies are preparing for and playing a bigger role in the market. Both China and California have introduced policies to make it easier to develop microgrids. This report was presented by BNEF at the Annual Asia Energy Storage Conference held in Singapore on 1 November 2018.
        Microgrid is a controllable power system composed of distributed energy and load. It can not only operate independently from the grid, but also connect with the main grid.
The control system ACTS as the brain of the microgrid, ensuring power quality, optimizing distributed energy, and enabling distributed energy to operate independently of the utility grid. These characteristics bring value to the operation of microgrid itself and the whole grid.
Technology platform: Most microgrid controllers are designed as a technology platform to meet the needs of business users in power system transformation. Specifically, microgrid controllers can maximize the utilization of on-site energy resources, balance power supply and demand, provide reserve capacity, and facilitate power trading and communication between microgrids and large grids, thus supporting more active distribution networks in the future.
Transformation: The above advantages of microgrids provide power enterprises and enterprise energy consumers with a flexible platform to optimize and diversify energy supply. In the middle stage of this decade-long power system transformation, the generation, energy resource management technology and power market design become more and more complex, and the development of micro-grid can be an effective strategy.
By 2050, the number of medium-sized plants in Europe will have shrunk to one-twentieth of its current level. In China's microgrid pilot project, clean energy capacity reached 4GW.


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